Personal Information
Dr Maciej Maryl
ORCID ID 0000-0002-2639-041X
Twitter @maciejmaryl
2013 Doctor of Philosophy (literary studies). Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IBL PAN).
2006-2010 Postgraduate studies at the Graduate School for Social Research (GSSR) at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences.
2007 Master of Arts, Sociology (Distinction), University of Warsaw.
2006 Master of Arts, Polish Philology (Distinction), University of Warsaw.
2013- Assistant Professor and founding Director of the Digital Humanities Centre at the Institute for Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IBL PAN).
2014-2018 Deputy Director, IBL PAN.
2008–2013 Assistant Lecturer, IBL PAN.
2023 Moore Institute, University of Galway (CLS-Infra TNA Fellowship)
2021 Trinity Centre for Digital Humanities, Trinity College Dublin (NEP4DISSENT Short Term Scientific Mission)
2019 Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C²DH), University of Luxembourg (NEP4DISSENT Short Term Scientific Mission)
2018 Stanford Literary Lab, Stanford University (Fulbright Senior Award).
2012 Fakultät für Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie.
2010-2011 Institute of Intelligent Systems, University of Memphis (Fulbright Junior Advanced Research Grant).
2009 Fakultät für Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaften, Ludwig-Maximillian University, Munich, Germany.
2007 Miall-Kuiken Research Team, University of Alberta, Edmonton.
2005 Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen, Universiteit van Amsterdam (Socrates-Erasmus).
2017 ADHO (Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations) bursary for Digital Humanities 2017 conference, Montreal, Canada
2016 Honourable mention in the 8th Edition of the Innovator of Mazovia Award (Category: Young Innovative Researcher).
2016 Bursary, DARIAH Winter School “Open Data Citation for Social Science and Humanities”, Prague, Czechia.
2013-2016 Scholarship for Young Researchers, awarded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Poland.
2009-2011 Scholarship of the Foundation for Polish Science (twice).
2018-2023 Lecturer, Digital Humanities PhD Programme, Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences.
Strategic leadership
2014- DARIAH-PL Consortium Steering Committee member.
2014- Member and co-chair (since 2019) of the Digital Methods and Practices Observatory (DiMPO) Working Group of DARIAH ERIC..
2015-2017 Founder and head of, Programme for the Development of the International Cooperation (IBL PAN)
2017- Member of the OPERAS Executive Assembly (national representative).
2017- Member of the ALLEA E-humanities Working Group (Chair since 2020)
2019-2022 Member of the National Committee for Cooperation with ALLEA, Polish Academy of Sciences.
2014-2018 Member of the Cultural Literacy Everywhere Core Group
Commissions of Trust
2006– Member of Editorial Board, Teksty Drugie
2017– Member of OpenMethods editorial board.
2015 Reviewer, National Programme for the Development of the Humanities, Poland
2017 Member of the SSH evaluation panel in the national evaluation of scientific units, Ministry of Higher Education, Poland
2019- Remote Reviewer, European Research Council.
2019-2021 CLARIN ERIC Ambassador
2023- Open Research Data reviewers, Swissuniversities
Research & Infrastructural Grants
2023-2024 Policy Alignment of Open access Monographs in the European Research Area (PALOMERA), HEU project #101094270, Coordinator: OPERAS. Contribution: WP Leader.
2023-2025 Bibliography of the Polish internet culture with a catalogue of sources and an archive. Appendix to Polish Literary Bibliography. National Programme for the Development of Humanities. NR NPRH/DN/SP/495736/2021/10. Contribution: PI
2022-2025 On the road to sustainability: paving the way for OPERAS as an efficient open Social Sciences and Humanities scholarly communication Research Infrastructure (OPERAS Plus), HEU project #101079608, Coordinator: Max Weber Stiftung. Contribution: WP Leader.
2021-2023, DARIAH-PL: digital research infrastructure for arts & humanities, Polish Smart Growth Operational Programme 2014-2020 #POIR.04.02.00-00-D006/20. Coordinator: Poznań Supercomputer and Networking Center. Contribution: Leader of IBL PAN team.
2019-2023, Transforming Research through Innovative Practices for Linked interdisciplinary Exploration (TRIPLE), H2020 project #863420 coordinated by CNRS. Contribution: WP Leader (WP2), researcher, IBL PAN team leader.
2017-2022, New Exploratory Phase in Research on East European Cultures of Dissent (NEP4DISSENT), COST Action CA16213. Contribution: Chair, Main proposer.
2019-2021, Preparing open access in the european research area through scholarly communication (OPERAS-P), H2020 project #871069 coordinated by CNRS. Contribution: Work Package Leader (WP6), researcher, IBL PAN team leader.
2019-2021, Shaping Interdisciplinary Practices in Europe (SHAPE-ID), Horizon 2020, grant no. 822705, coordinated by Trinity College Dublin. Contribution: Researcher, IBL PAN team leader.
2018 EAST: Enhancing Accessibility and Sustainability of “Teksty Drugie”, OpenAire Alternative Funding Mechanism. Contribution: PI.
2017 Facilitating Cooperation Between Humanities Researchers and Cultural Heritage Institutions, DARIAH Theme 2017, Contribution: PI.
2017-2019, Future of Polish and Czech Literary Bibliography: Towards integration and exploitation in comparative research, Joint Mobility Projects Czech Academy of Sciences – Polish Academy of Sciences. No. PAN 17-09. Contribution: researcher.
2016 Public history ‘Bootcamp’ and associated web portal, DARIAH-EU Public Humanities Grant. PI: Jane Ohlmeyer. Contribution: Co-PI.
2014-2018 Polish Literary Bibliography – a knowledge lab on contemporary Polish culture. Project funded by the National Programme for the Development of Humanities. NR 0061/NPRH3/H11/82/2014. Contribution: PI.
2012-2014 – Blog as a new form of multimedia writing. National Science Centre, 2011/03/N/HS2/06232. Contribution: PI.
10 most important publications
Publication | Comment |
1. Maryl, M. (2022). Operationalising the Change. Dispersion of Polish literary life (1989–2002). In: Jannidis, F. (eds) Digitale Literaturwissenschaft. Germanistische Symposien. J.B. Metzler, Stuttgart. | So far the most important result of my work on modelling cultural transformation on the basis of bibliographical data. The backbone of my upcoming habilitation thesis. |
2. Maryl, M. (2020) “Computational Monograph: Reading and Writing Distant Horizons”. JLTonline 14 (2). | Article linking my interests in distant reading methodology and novel means of publication of the scholarly outputs. |
3. Maryl, M., Dallas, C., Edmond, J., Labov, J., Kelpšienė, I., Doran, M., Kołodziejska, M., and K. Grabowska (2020) “A Case Study Protocol for Meta-Research into Digital Practices in the Humanities” Digital Humanities Quarterly 14 (3). | The outcome of the multi-year research effort of DARIAH DiMPO WG members, presented as a methodological protocol for the reuse by other reserchers. |
4. Maryl, M. (2022) “How We Became Digital: The Recent History of Digital Humanities in Poland” In: Global Debates in the Digital Humanities. Eds. Paola Ricaurte, Sukanta Chaudhuri, and Domenico Fiormonte, 87–100. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. | The result of two surveys I co-conducted on the Polish DH projects analysed here in search of local and regional specificity of DH. |
5. Maryl, M, Ivashchenko, O.V, Reinfelds, M., Reinsone, S. and M. E. Rose. 2022. ‘Addressing the Needs of Ukrainian Scholars at Risk’. Nature Human Behaviour 6 (6): 746–47. | The article summing up the main needs of Ukrainian scholarly community on the basis of the data from Science For Ukraine database |
6. Maryl, M., Błaszczyńska, M., Szulińska, M. and P. Rams (2020) “The Case for an Inclusive Scholarly Communication Infrastructure for Social Sciences and Humanities”. F1000Research 9 (October): 1265. | The vision of OPERAS as an inclusive research infrastructure, taking into consideration specificity of SSH and the RIs goals in the context of global challenges and European opportunities. |
7. Maryl, M., and M. Błaszczyńska, Eds. (2021). “Future of Scholarly Communication . Forging an Inclusive and Innovative Research Infrastructure for Scholarly Communication in Social Sciences and Humanities”. Warsaw, June 29, 2021. | Report summing up the OPERAS-P project’s work on innovation, sketching the vision of strategic development of OPERAS governance and its innovative services. |
8. Harrower, N., Maryl, M., Biro, T., Immenhauser, B., & ALLEA Working Group E-Humanities. (2020). Sustainable and FAIR Data Sharing in the Humanities: Recommendations of the ALLEA Working Group E-Humanities. ALLEA. | ALLEA E-Humanities WG report on research data in SSH, designed as practical guidelines for less digitally advanced humanities researchers and research managers. |
9. Maryl, M., Grabowska, K., eds, (2019) How to Facilitate Cooperation between Humanities Researchers and Cultural Heritage Institutions. Guidelines Warsaw: Digital Humanities Centre at the Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences. | Outcome of the DARIAH Theme project focusing on practical guidelines for cooperation between researchers and CH institutions |
10. Maryl M., Piasecki M., i T. Walkowiak (2018) „Literary Exploration Machine A Web-Based Application for Textual Scholars”, in Selected papers from the CLARIN Annual Conference 2017. Ed. Maciej Piasecki, Linköping University Electronic Press, pp. 128–44. | Description of the inovative service for Polish researchers I helped to design and implement together with CLARIN-PL. |