Email: Maciej.Maryl (at)
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Maciej Maryl, Ph.D., assistant professor and the founding Director of the Digital Humanities Centre at the Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences (CHC IBL PAN). He cooperates with OPERAS as Executive Assembly member and the leader of OPERAS Innovation Lab. He chairs ALLEA E-humanities Working Group, and co-chairs DARIAH Digital Methods and Practices Observatory. He participates in committees important for digital humanities infrastructures as a member of SSH Open Cluster Governing Board, DARIAH-PL Steering Board, Polish Science Contact Agency (PolSCA) Advisory Board, and Digital Repository Ireland Advisory Board.
Maryl graduated from the University of Warsaw in Polish Philology and Applied Social Sciences. He completed the “Artes Liberales” Academy program and attended doctoral studies at the Graduate School for Social Research (GSSR). He was awarded scholarships of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, the Foundation for Polish Science and Fulbright Junior Advanced Research Grant (2010) and Fulbright Senior Award (2017). He published articles and translations in Teksty Drugie, CLCWeb, DHQ, JLTOnline, F1000Research, and Pamiętnik Literacki.
Maryl focuses on developing digital research infrastructure for social sciences and humanities in Polish and European contexts. His interest include data science applied to cultural data, innovation in scholarly communication and meta-research on digital practices in the humanities. He participated in numerous research and infrastructural projects in these areas as PI or Work Package leader.
Current Projects
- 2023-2026, iPBL. Bibliography of Polish digital culture with the catalogue of sources and the archive. Supplement to Polish Literary Bibliography. NPRH/DN/SP/495736/2021/10. Contribution: PI.
- 2022-2025, On the road to sustainability: paving the way for OPERAS as an efficient open Social Sciences and Humanities scholarly communication Research Infrastructure (OPERAS-PLUS), Horizon Europe project #101079608 coordinated by Max Weber Stiftung. Contribution: Work Package Leader (WP4), researcher, IBL PAN team leader.
- 2023-2024, Policy Alignment of Open access Monographs in the European Research Area (PALOMERA), Horizon Europe project #101094270 coordinated by OPERAS. Contribution: Work Package Leader (WP2), researcher, IBL PAN team leader.
- 2021-2023, DARIAH-PL: digital research infrastructure for arts & humanities, Polish Smart Growth Operational Programme 2014-2020 #POIR.04.02.00-00-D006/20. Coordinator: Poznań Supercomputer and Networking Center. Contribution: Leader of IBL PAN team.
Recent projects
- LEM: Literary Exploration Machine. Joint project of the Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences and CLARIN-PL. Contribution: Co-PI with Maciej Piasecki.
- Transforming Research through Innovative Practices for Linked interdisciplinary Exploration (TRIPLE), H2020 project #863420 coordinated by Centre national de la recherche scientifique. Contribution: WP2 Leader, head of IBL PAN research team.
- New Exploratory Phase in Research on East European Cultures of Dissent (NEP4DISSENT), COST Action CA16213 (2017-2021). Contribution: Chair.
- Shaping interdisciplinary practices in Europe (SHAPE-ID), H2020 project #822705 coordinated by Trinity College Dublin. Contribution: head of IBL PAN research team.
- Preparing open access in the european research area through scholarly communication (OPERAS-P), H2020 project #871069 coordinated by Centre national de la recherche scientifique. Contribution: WP6 Leader, head of IBL PAN research team.
- EAST: Enhancing Accessibility and Sustainability of “Teksty Drugie”, OpenAire Alternative Funding Mechanism. Contribution: PI. (2018)
- Facilitating Cooperation Between Humanities Researchers and Cultural Heritage Institutions, DARIAH-EU DARIAH Theme 2017: Cultural Heritage and Humanities Research (Consortium: IBL PAN, Trinity College Dublin, Creative Commons Polska). PI: Maciej Maryl. (2017-2018). Report
- Literary transition as viewed from above. Quantitative history of Polish literature (1989-2000). Fulbright Senior Award. Research visit at Stanford Literary Lab, Stanford University (January-May 2018).
- The Polish Literary Bibliography – a knowledge lab on contemporary Polish culture [funded by the National Programme for the Development of Humanities (May 2015 – May 2018); NR 0061/NPRH3/H11/82/2014] Contribution: Principal Investigator.
- Blog as a new form of multimedia writing [National Science Centre research grant, 2011/03/N/HS2/06232, 2012-2014]. (Continued in cooperation with Wrocław University of Technology and CLARIN-PL)
- DARIAH Survey on Digital Practices in the Arts and Humanities (Polish chapter).
- Editor of a special issue of Teksty Drugie (open-access English edition) on Sociology of Literature.